November 18, 2020

Reina Madre Offers a Certification Course in Colposcopy

With great enthusiasm we share that they have recently received a grant from the SG Foundation to continue impacting the communities in the state of Mexico that need it most.

reina madre logo

It is a great pleasure to share that the social impact achieved by one of our innovators, Reina Madre has borne fruit.

With great enthusiasm we share that they have recently received a grant from the SG Foundation to continue impacting the communities in Mexico that need it most.

Reina Madre, in alliance with DIFEM (Government Association supporting women and children in low income communities) and the biggest public university in the state of Mexico, the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México UAEM, carried out a Certificated course in Colposcopy for gynecologists in Mexico, which was carried out in low-income communities in the state of Mexico, serving a total of 250 women and providing around 498 colposcopies and pap smears, treating and detecting 72 women with injuries for HPV, completely free. Out of this course came 6 new Colposcopist gynecologists who now can screen, detect and treat HPV, and precancerous anomalies.

This Certification Course in Colposcopy provides a double impact to the society: the first one being the women treated during the course, and the second one, providing the exponential effect of having additional doctors in the field, as each graduating doctor will be able to screen and treat close to 2,000 women per year.

Seeing the great impact of this course, Reina Madre will hold two more courses next year impacting the lives of more than 1,300 Mexican women, all this with the support of SG Foundation.

Congratulations on this great achievement!