Hybrid (for-profit and not-for-profit)Care deliverySecondary/TertiaryMultinationalLowVulnerable populationsUnited StatesColombiaBrazil
Projecto CIES uses a fleet of mobile medical centers -- built into vehicles such as wagons, vans, and containers – to provide moderate complexity exams and procedures to communities in need. The organization started by building the “Health Wagon” in 2008 -- a mobile health center which was equipped to provide ten types of specialty care to 3,000 patients per month. Since then, Project CIES has expanded its fleet of Medical Mobile Centers to 60 units in 10 regions of Brazil, which together serve over 2,000 people each day. They have provided care for over 500,000 people since their founding and have helped to dramatically reduce waiting times (in some cases, from 4 years to less than 30 days).