September 02, 2019

Pfizer Foundation partners with IiH as a monitoring and evaluation partner for the fifth Global Health Innovation Grants (GHIG) Program

Innovations in Healthcare is excited to continue to partner with the Pfizer Foundation* as a monitoring and evaluation partner for the fifth Global Health Innovation Grants (GHIG) program to support innovators fighting infectious disease in low- and middle-income countries. Through the one-year GHIG program, the Pfizer Foundation provides grants of $100,000 USD to 20 health innovators, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profits, and social enterprises, to support community-based initiatives focused on combatting infectious diseases. Innovations in Healthcare monitors grantee projects through quarterly check-in calls, reports mid-year and end-of-year data back to the Pfizer Foundation, and provides technical support by connecting grantees to other innovators, funding opportunities, and useful resources. 

Since its launch in 2016, the GHIG program has provided $9.5 million USD to five cohorts of grantees working in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In the first four years of the program, grantees have trained more than 10,000 staff members and reached more than two million patients through programs aimed at strengthening health systems at the community and primary care level and the use of digital technology tools to facilitate improved care.** 

The 2020 cohort of grantees is making an impact across a range of areas through community-based tailored approaches, including responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for future pandemics, reducing child mortality, and addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Examples include:

  • Sagitarix (CheckUps Medical)’s initiative to build capacity for optimizing the testing and treatment of infectious diseases, including influenza, measles, tuberculosis, and COVID-19, across its clinics in Kenya and South Sudan;
  • Sevamob’s expansion of mobile clinics in underserved areas in India to provide infectious disease screenings and consultation for COVID-19, tuberculosis, Hepatitis C, and HIV; and
  • The expansion of Jacaranda Health’s AI referral tool to all 71 partner counties and public hospitals in Kenya to provide rapid support to infants and mothers experiencing maternal and neonatal complications, including those caused by infectious diseases.

Learn more about the 20 organizations in this year’s cohort:

Afya Research Africa (ARA) (Kenya); Ayzh (India); Care 2 Communities (Haiti); Fundación Vive Con Bienestar (Bive) (Colombia); Group for Technical Assistance (GTA) (Nepal); Health Builders (Rwanda); Jacaranda Health (Kenya); Last Mile Health (Liberia); LifeNet International (Uganda); Living Goods (Kenya; Uganda); Muso (Mali); North Star Alliance (Sub-Saharan Africa); One Family Health (Rwanda); Penda Health (Kenya); reach 52 (Cambodia; Philippines); Sagitarix (Checkups Medical Centre) (Kenya; South Sudan); Sevamob Ventures (India); Society for Nutrition, Education, and Health Action (SNEHA) (India); THINKMD (Nigeria); Unjani Clinics NPC (South Africa).


*The Pfizer Foundation is a charitable organization established by Pfizer Inc. It is a separate legal entity from Pfizer Inc. with distinct legal restrictions.

**GHIG Grantee Outputs Years 1-4 (October 2019 – March 2020)